Family Law

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Justin Hughes is a holder of the Law Society Diploma in Family Law and a member of the Family Lawyers Association of Ireland.
Justin Hughes Solicitors offer specialist advice and have extensive experience in all aspects of family law. We ensure that all issues are handled with the utmost sensitivity, confidence and attention they require. At an early stage in the process we will advise you on your legal rights and the courses of action available to you, outlining the most appropriate strategy to achieve the best results for you. At all times you will receive professional advice from a specialist with the knowledge and experience in resolving family law matters through active collaboration, negotiations, mediation or through the Courts. Our sound judgement and formidable negotiating skills result in a high level of settlement and client satisfaction, achieving a resolution of cases in a cost-effective and dignified manner.
We can assist you with the personal, legal and financial issues which arise on a breakdown of a marriage, civil partnership or other relationship. We also have extensive experience in childcare, guardianship, maintenance and access matters, and also in matters relating to inheritance and succession.
We understand that each client is unique with each case having its own individual circumstances and accordingly we view each case on its own merits and we will tailor our advice to you accordingly. We work to develop and maintain a supportive relationship with our clients based on trust and openness whilst aiming to minimise personal stress and anxiety in a confidential, professional and sensitive manner. We can assist you with sound but simple, easy to understand advice on any of the following areas which may be of issues or concern to you or a family member:
Please contact Justin Hughes Solicitors to arrange a consultation in confidence. During our first meeting we will take the details of your issues and concerns, advise you on your legal rights and inform you of your options, the courses of action available to you and the likely costs of any such action.