Probate/Administration of Estates

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Justin Hughes Solicitors have substantial experience in the area of wills and probate, and will provide you with an individually tailored service to plan your business and personal affairs. We are highly experienced in the field of succession planning and can advise you on all aspects of drafting your will and structuring your personal affairs, including establishing trusts, the taxation consequences of making your will and advise you on how to limit or even avoid tax such as inheritance tax, gift tax and capital gains tax.
We have a long standing experience in providing clear, expert and timely advice to clients in probate matters and the administration of estates whether the deceased left a will or not. We will provide you with advice in relation to the administration of the estate whilst also ensuring that the process is handled with dignity and dealt with efficiently and professionally. In most circumstances the administration process will also involve property and taxation issues which we will also deal with.
When necessary we can advise you in relation to any contentous issues that arise in the course of a deceaseds estate including property issues, disputes over a will, the entitlements of family members and the civil partnership and cohabitants act.
We have also assisted many families and individuals in the drafting and preparation of Enduring Powers of Attorney, Ward of Court applications through the High Court and Nursing Home Support Scheme applications through the Circuit Court.
Please contact Justin Hughes Solicitors today, free of charge and without obligation, to discuss how we can assist you with any of the following matters: