Litigation/Dispute Resolution

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Justin Hughes Solicitors provide advice, guidance and assistance in processing all types of litigation matters, ranging from disputes and disagreements over issues such as property to severe and complex personal injury* and medical negligence claims. Our office is experienced in progressing and evaluating potential litigious matters, and from start to finish we are dedicated to you and your case, advising you in a simple and understandable manner the best course of action that you should take with any given difficulty or issue. We will at all times act in your best interests only, we will seek to expedite the litigation or dispute resolution process and make it as simple, easy to understand and as efficient as possible.
Justin Hughes is also an accredited Mediator and his experience and training in alternative dispute resolution can benefit you in the approach taken to achieve a satisfactory conclusion to disputes and disagreements as efficiently and cost effectively as possible. In certain circumstances our approach has assisted us in resolving potentially difficult and expansive disputes for our clients at an early stage and before Court proceedings become necessary.