Commercial Litigation

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Justin Hughes is the holder of the Law Society Diploma in Commercial Litigation and is also an accredited Mediator. We have the experience and training in alternative dispute resolution to benefit you in obtaining the best possible outcome for you in disputes or disagreements of a commercial nature.
Justin Hughes Solicitors have proven experience in obtaining the best possible outcome for you in disputes and disagreements of a commercial nature. We are sensitive to the commercial concerns of our clients and aware of the impact that litigation may have upon you or your business. From the outset we will identify the key issues and determine the best overall strategy for you, and agree with you the approach that you are happy to take to achieve a satisfactory conclusion to disputes and disagreements in the most cost effective and efficient manner possible. We will be happy to assist you with the following issues:
Please contact Justin Hughes Solicitors to arrange a consultation to discuss your issues and concerns, your legal rights, and also discuss and implement a strategy that will provide you with a resolution to matters.